Friday, November 25, 2011

Ep. 114 : Yesterday and Now

Challanging moment.
Change after change.
From Station to Site.
Now, at Office.

Station, too much memory.
Working about one and half years.
Communication skill and service on the top.
It slows down.
Wanted to accept new wild challange out here.
There are many changing of myself.
Timetable, Work-a-holic.
Its time to go.
New world is coming.

Site, full 2 months.
Fast learner, mostly stable with the conditional.
Oh well, It cracking most of my bones.
Plus, 30KM far from Station.
When been called to gain promotion.
Im out.
New Place waiting for me.

Office, simple.
But need to learn more.
outside of my theory.
most challanging carrier so far.
Im only focus now - Website Administrator,Programmer.

Come on you guys.
Reach me.
Experience and knowledge makes me can go far.
With prayer and guidance.
I will learn more. Insyaallah , Amin.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ep. 113 : Office Boy v1.2

Read.. Read.. And continuous read.
I learn more. *yey*

I cant tell you guys whats inside. because of company policy. If u want to read, join me working here. *gags*

I show you guys what i'm doing. my sketch of assignment

Brain storming!! *argh*
To be continue~

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ep. 112 : Office Boy v1.1

Beginning of new day with new environment workplace as office boy a.k.a Website Administrator (for a week i think). For starter, take a look of my desk.

this picture taken at my first day working. Continue part 2.