Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ep. 140 : Outstanding Break

I been pause all my blogger this because of more work need to be closed.
Right now, I am in process of learning trading oprations.
I tought I will handle 1 shipment from start until close.
But it is out of my imaginary .
For starters, YES.
step A, step B.. Reaching step F ,
change to another shipment that starting from step R.
totally bluring my mind..
swap this.. later on need to update another shipment.


better give me from baby step.. just stick on 1 shipment.

IMBA for me to make the best of this company

Im started to like this job because give some time to learn the progress of trading operation.
not like last time that teach all in 1 month.. then when I graduate in 1 month, next month or another month,
I am started to feel bored.

maybe it just about my expert on the technical .
nowdays, its new experience. new course to learn. outside of my department.
thats why I mostly focusing the best for this..

Think about that..