Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Incharged or Discharged

according to the world time. i think the age of the world reach the limitation . the bigger universe reach. they also will reach the small place within the universe suck to a tiny tiny planet. the big bang theory.

Heart Break Kid

Reverse on the past. Is really happen? like Dejavu to me. The lecture i like most are stunned what happen on today. the first day of fasting month. im just a kid. now my mind disturbed by the issue. i lost on my track to be a better of tomorrow. i failed me. how to repair such a damaged that we create onto the car. i cant return to the past. i cant avoid it because it been past on me. i just gotta straight to the road that i invented for better life of me.

True the wheel of life are round and rounded again. it will see, it not will be see. my past. i was a good little soldier. i respect my lecture same level of my parents. but in that day. lecture that i like are sad because of the attitude. im in touch what lecture said. believe me , in that time i also crying.

present time. i wanna that feeling. i wanna cry out. feel the outrages of my inner heart. fly bye my temper of anything. it is the strengthen my will, my mind and my soul.

im just a kid. the Heart Break Kid.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Moderated of Technology

think a future limitation of RFID technology. Is there will have electronic money that replace now days money paper? just think about that. in my theory, if the RFID technology replaced the money paper, there will no have the system called agreement of buy-sell barter. is like the changing item between this or that thing to money. the process of new technology leads to unknown give (real money to buy something), and take item (the item that we want to buy). where is buy-sell agreement?? . My theory based on Islamic resource.

This new technology create for better safety. it will safe your money from robber. yeah, is right. but just think about it. if this technology reach to your neighborhood, all the money will change to digital money that cant see even cant touch rather than now days analog money paper that we see and touch on your hand. just think about that. received as a knowledge for me and for your attention.

This new technology create the very small chip and planted on your body part. Think back. it just like robot that have chip. the chip stored most of your data such as MYKAD, Driving Licence and ATM card. Slowly human turns to an android.

P/S: it just a theory. if im wrong, forgive me.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Three Square Root

Everything just started. Open your eyes. see and remember. This is not the end but this is the control. Write hearts, minds and souls for nothing that could penetrate the barrier wall of the heart is.

People say;
where we want it? The world we know or we know the World?
We know to pick the World. Because this world is temporary.

People say;
where we want it? frog under the shell or outside the shell?
Choose to frogs outside shell. To be able to see what's happening in the world.

In the beginning, we are losing. we just stuck our minds to do differently. didn't see the truth behind. In the end, we knew this will happen.